OPEN CALL - Educational Residencies - Theatre // October 2023
This OPEN CALL is for all the professionals and artists in the theatre field interested in being part of a unique educational experience.
Teodora Trișcă, an English teacher, through the School of Heart project and Liceul Tehnologic Lechința, we open the call for a one-month residency in Lechinta village, Bistrița-Năsăud county and Liceul Tehnologic Lechința, where you will have the possibility to educate the children from the community through theatre.
Deadline for registration: 28.09.2023
The focus of this residency is on the process and not necessarily on a finite artistic product.
The classes will take place at Liceul Tehnologic Lechinta, after the students finish their regular classes.
What are we looking for?
Professionals in the theatre field, artists, facilitators, enthusiasts and professionals who:
> want to get involved in education
> want to come back at school and have theatre classes
> want to spend a month in Lechinta village
> want to work and collaborate with children
What are we offering?
> the possibility to live for one month in a village from Bistrita-Nasaud county, to get to know the local community.
> free time for walking, contemplation, nature.
> an unforgettable experience.
> a flexible schedule
> a payment of 600 Euros (3000lei) plus 200 Euros (900 lei) for food expenses. Free accommodation in the village. Transport expenses will be 60 % covered by the artist and the rest of 40 % will be covered by the organizer.
How to register?
Send us an email with a short biography and a letter of intent where you state your motivation for being part of this program.
Complete the online form
For questions you can call Teodora - 0732 916 094
Teacher Teodora Trisca
Andreea Gheorghe
Liceul Tehnologic Lechinta