Oameni care inspiră în educație// People who inspire in education

This program happened during "Școala Altfel", at Liceul Tehnologic Lechința, Bistrița-Năsăud county. The participants were middle school students.
The program had the following content:
- Rhythm and Percussion Workshop with Lucian Conțiu from Cluj-Napoca.
- A Workshop of Public Speaking with Andreea Gheorghe from Cluj-Napoca.
- Aikido Training with the instructor Ferencz Borzasi from Bistrița.
The idea of this program, was dictated by the needs observed in the school culture.
We wanted to give children access to some activities that they haven't experienced before, and alongside the activities we wanted for the children to meet new people who are experts in their fields and know their stories.
The intention that generated this program was the act of "being inspired".
Each facilitator/teacher established a workshop. Each workshop was two hours long.
Children met the African Djembe, they also tasted a little bit of the Japanese Aikido and its philosophy and learned some of the techniques that the the professionals use when speaking in public.
They met with people who shared their stories, encouraging them to continue their studies and establish a purpose for what they want to do.
They met with people who told them that everything gets accomplished with patience.