Workshop of mural painting
The workshop of mural painting "Scoala are inima" happened in 2018 during Școala Altfel program, at Școala Gimnazială Nicolae Iorga, in Cluj Napoca.
The workshop was organized and guided by Teodora Trișcă in collaboration with the artist Lucia Mărneanu from Cluj-Napoca.

The benefits of the workshop:
"Școala are inimă"
the development of the feeling of contribution
working on a team and developing the feeling of contribution.
we raised awareness on the value of work.
we learnt how to deal with conflicts when they appear in the group.
we learnt how to trust and support one another.
These are some of the effects that this activity had on children. The results were visible also on their behavior which improved, their mental health was more optimistic and their self-esteem improved.